
I am ecstatic about birthdays… 🙂 The month of February brings bliss to me.. Its my birthday month..!! 😀

Since my childhood I have been very eager to celebrate my birthdays…! I was so much fired up to have a birthday party and celebrate with everyone.. I”ll be completing 24 this year and am super excited for many more adventures and surprises of life..!

During my childhood, my parents would invite relatives and family and there would be a splendor celebration to mark the occasion of my birthday with delicious goodies. Every year my birthday cakes were of various models like those of Mickey mouse, Doll cake etc. Me and my brother would buy new clothes and he would get thrilled for all the cake and delicacies.. He loves me even more on that day !! 😉

The feeling to wear new clothes and distribute chocolates in the school with one of the best friends is something I can never explain in words, there used to be cat-fights among my friends to accompany me for the chocolate distribution 😉 There is an aura and so much of happiness on that day I feel like a STAR 😀

Birthdays after marriage are getting more special ‘cos of the day it coincides with.. VALENTINE’S DAY..! 😛

I look forward to celebrate this special day each and every year and feel the amazing person I”m..!! I just lovveeeee birthdays….. I reminiscent all the wonderful memories associated with my birthday and keep having fun..!!

And this Sunday is my birthday.. Do wish me 😉



Author: sparkplug14

Amateur blogger, photographer, comic books nerd, artist. Connect with me to know more about me..!!

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