Good NEWS.. :)

It has been a week since I first got to know that there’s a tiny living being inside me… 😀

I was feeling very queasy from Aug 14th onwards ‘cos of loose motions and food poisoning… But I never suspected that these were the symptoms of pregnancy…  I went to doctor multiple times but he didn’t give me any strong tablets for curing it since my periods were due.

Aug 17th, 2016 it’s really a very memorable day… I remember the morning of it very clearly… I was feeling very weak, ‘cos I didn’t get my periods, we were planning to go to a gynecologist for a checkup. But, my sis-in-law suggested getting a pregnancy test done at home before visiting the gynecologist.  My hubby got the kit, and with lots of nervousness I tested and it was POSITIVE.. !!

I couldn’t control my tears… I hugged my hubby tightly and was crying..!! My main issue was, will this delay my job hunting even further..! :O Then, he assured me don’t think much about it, You”ll for sure work some day or the other, now enjoy these precious moments… That really helped me in calming down…

We both told to my in-laws, they were overjoyed… My bro-in-law was excited too… My mom got to know through my mom-in-law. She was completely shocked and was crying happily over the phone.. 😛 I called up my dad and said the news… He was very happy for becoming a grandparent… I surprised my bro by calling him UNCLE.. 😛 He was jubilant and was saying, hopefully, it”ll be a girl.. 😀

Then we made an appointment with the doctor and she prescribed the pregnancy test again. The testing object’s result wasn’t as clear as the one which I had done at home… I and my mom-in-law were a bit tensed until the doc confirmed that, I am OFFICIALLY PREGNANT..!! She prescribed some tablets and asked me to come after a week for the scan… Once I came out of the hospital, I called up my mom and said it’s true… 😀 Then she informed the news to our relatives and everyone congratulated me… I was happy… 🙂

That day, I couldn’t believe that I gonna become a momma.. ! I really didn’t know how to react to it.. 😐 Anyways, I decided to go with the flow and just accept the situations as they come and cherish the moments…

That evening, my dad was very happy and was chatting comfortably in whatsapp.. 😀 My bro-in-law bought for me varieties of food items to eat.. 🙂

The next few days went well and I installed an app called “What to Expect During Pregnancy”, it showed that I conceived in 3rd week and the embryo started developing from 3rd week onwards… The app really is helpful to understand the precautions to take during this period with other helpful blogs, and it clearly show’s the size of the baby every week:

  • The Fourth week the baby’s size was as much as a POPPY SEED (Teeeeeeny -Teeny- Tiny)
  • The Fifth Week was as much as an ORANGE SEED (A bit bigger :P)
  • The Sixth week it is as big as a SWEET PEA (A lot bigger than the Poppy Seed :D)

And so on… The App gave the estimated date as Apr.23.2017..! 🙂

My First Scan was scheduled on 24th Aug, a week after my pregnancy test result. I was quite relaxed that day for the fact that  I would know exactly what was going on in my tummy.. 🙂

The scanning was done and there showed two fetal sacs with two cells in it.. :O One of them started the heartbeat but the other one didn’t develop the heart yet..! The scanning doc said it shows like twins but it is not clear yet, please come back after 10 days. I was very nervous and my mom-in-law also was clearly tensed… When the main doctor checked me, she said confidently that, since its early pregnancy scan, it shows sometimes false sacs, no need to worry, it”ll be only one healthy one… That really eased us up..! My god.. that day I was so tensed…  And the next scan is scheduled on Sep 3rd..!!! She prescribed me some Folic acid tablet and an injection that day for the growth of the fetus…

That weekend my mom and dad came from Hyd and were so happy to be with me… 😀 🙂 My mom prepared various dishes for me so that I can relish them.. 🙂 I vomited the first time on Tuesday morning… My parents felt little sad but my mom said that’s the way it”ll be this 9 months… It is completely unpredictable, don’t worry about it…  They went back that evening…I was also very happy to spend time with them the past 4 days…

And I am just spending my days walking.. learning something.. reading books and helping at home…

After my second scanning, ITS CONFIRMED THAT I”ll have TWINS.. 😀

I could hear the heartbeats of two babies during the scanning time… 🙂 Every one of us is nervous but I hope that all will be well… 🙂

I am writing this blog today after almost a year…  I”ll sum up the points which I recollect..

My pregnancy was the most beautiful journey of my life… Every day I was thinking about my babies and hoped that they were well inside…

We purchased car during the third month of my pregnancy and I felt very happy going to hospital visits in our own car… 🙂

During my third month scan, my mom and dad were present and we felt very happy seeing two tiny forms in my tummy…

My 5th-month scan was scheduled on Dec12th and my mom came from hyd to be with me. I clearly remember that day, me, mom, in-laws and hubby went to the scanning center and during the scan, the doctor said that there’s some anomaly in the babies and we should do an even thorough scan. We all were very tensed and my gynecologist was out of town that day and we couldn’t understand anything out from it. From that day there was an eerie silence/fear in everyone’s heart but nobody said it out as it may dishearten me and I may lose my moral. But in next 2 days, we went to another doc and she said, there’s no problem and nothing can be done now. So don’t worry much.

We were very clear from the beginning that my delivery will be happening in Hyderabad, so my hubby thought why not get the proper treatment from there itself. So we all reached Hyd on Jan1st 2017. The first few visits to Fernandez Hospital were not very encouraging. Then we were recommended to Dr.Susheela as she was the multiple pregnancy specialists. When we met her the first time itself she lifted our spirits and said do not worry about the babies at all. They are perfectly fine and as long as mom is happy babies will do well… Her dialogue was “Happy mother – healthy fetus.” She really was a beam of hope to all of us. She mandated me for undergoing weekly scans and checkups every fortnight for regular monitoring of the babies. She insisted me on eating lots of pomegranates, beetroots and I followed it 😉

Special mention to my hubby for fulfilling all my weird cravings and keeping me very happy and loved. Everyone played a very vital role in making this journey a special one and that includes my in-laws, parents, brothers, uncles, aunts, grandparents…

My doc suggested that I should go for a Cesarean during my 36th week of pregnancy, as one of the babies is in Breech position, i.e in a horizontal position. All of us were a bit tensed as it”ll be kind of premature delivery, but I was very happy as I couldn’t wait any longer to see my babies… I assumed that they were boys but it was a surprise till the last moment, as no one gave any hint about the gender.

The big day MARCH 30th 2017 came….!!! Doc suggested me to eat idli before coming to the surgery but out of nervousness I vomited 😛 That day around 8 am we reached the hospital, and 11 am I was escorted to the operation theater. Everyone was praying for a healthy and smooth delivery.

I remember changing into pink clothes and entering the operation theater. There was a team of doctors and everyone made me feel comfortable and anesthesia doctor gave an injection which was direct to the spinal cord and it made the whole lower body numb. That was the scariest part of the operation. I wasn’t worried at all for the procedure but the spinal injection scared the hell out of me.

Within few minutes Dr.Madhavi announced that “Congratulations…!!!!! It’s a GIRL..” We were so happy as we were parents then 😉 Immediately in next minute my second twin baby came out and she again said… “Congratulations..!! It’s a GIRL AGAIN…” 😀 They took the babies for their first bath and cleaned them and showed me for just a few seconds… Those first looks of my darlings I can never forget in my LIFE… Thank you my little munchkins for me making me MOMMY.. 🙂

They were safe and healthy though prematurely born, that really relieved all of us.

The next day, we were told that the elder twin will be shifted to our room, we were anxious the whole day and as soon as she arrived, we were jubilant. The younger baby was born with low weight so she was under observation for 4 more days. My doctor recommended me for exclusive breastfeed instead of any formula and I am eternally grateful to her for encouraging me with that option. Once she was fine we went back home. 🙂 🙂

I got milk after 3 days of my delivery. Till that time, my elder twin was sucking and stimulating which was very important for the production and in turn making it easy for the younger baby.. 😉

I was breastfeeding my little ones, my mom-in-law and the lactation consultant at hospital motivated me a lot, saying though there are two babies there will never be a shortage of milk as long as I eat and sleep well. She asked me not to listen to any suggestions which hurt my morale. Being happy was the first criteria for having good milk supply.

The first 10 to 20 days passed in a jiffy, getting adjusted to the kids’ schedule, their sleeping patterns, their hunger everything was in a haze. I too recovered from my postpartum slowly. The feeling of two teeny tiny humans besides me was the most unexpressed feeling. It was a mixed bag of emotions.

The first one and half month I had to sit and breastfeed my babies even at nights as they were very young and there was a high chance of not latching properly. Sometimes they would continuously latch for 50 minutes… Though it was very strenuous initially, after almost 2 months I got the hang of it and felt that’s the most beautiful thing which a mom can give to a baby.

We were a team in taking care of the babies for the initial 4 months… My mom, dad, bro, and hubby used to take care of them till 3 am in the early hours. I would get up periodically for feeding the babies. There were ample of sleepless nights but slowly we got adjusted to their schedule. My maternal grandmom would cook and take care of the house along with my grandpa. My uncles , aunts and all my relatives were very happy and helped me a lot during this wonderful phase.

When my babies were 3.5 months of age, we attended my cousin’s marriage, had been to another cousin’s house warming ceremony too. Thankfully both the experiences were smooth. 🙂

Now my babies are 7 months old, they play a lot and are very curious to observe all around. We can learn from babies so many things like, to easily forget and forgive, always smile, etc.

There are so many points to reminiscence which I experienced during this wonderful pregnancy to being MOMMY stage but will jot down some other time… 😉

BTW my darlings names are SIDDHI & RIDDHI. 😀


Author: sparkplug14

Amateur blogger, photographer, comic books nerd, artist. Connect with me to know more about me..!!

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