
In India, sandwich is a novel word. We generally call it a burger. Me being a veggie, I devour veggie patty burgers. And if there’s extra cheese slices on it.. its my heaven..! šŸ™‚ With the influence of McDonalds and Burger King and other such western franchise in India, sandwich became a household food item..



In my country, there is an other dish prepared with the burger buns.. It’s called Vada Pav – it means deep fried potato veggie patty in batter along with salt and spices and dipping it with chutney and Ā the Pav which is the burger bun. Its a very popular snack in India and is consumed at any point of the day..


There’s another dish called the Pav Bhaji which means the burger bun consumed with spicy vegetable curry and lots of butter and onion slices on the side.. It is also a popular dish enjoyed throughout the country..



BeĀ itĀ anĀ Indian burgerĀ or the Western Sandwich I love them in any forms.. šŸ™‚

via Daily Prompt: Sandwich

Author: sparkplug14

Amateur blogger, photographer, comic books nerd, artist. Connect with me to know more about me..!!

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