
Reading a book makes me forget everything and transform me to a new universe. I was very lucky to get this habit during my childhood. I loved to read Comics and this interest developed into reading habit.



A room without books is like a body without a soul..

I still remember whenever I used to go to my cousin’s home they used to have a pile of Chacha-Chaudary comics and the colorful illustrations sprung-up my interest and I would dive into that universe. Then I started reading Tinkle , Champak, Billu and other comics. They really fascinated me and I tell you its really the best way to gain interest in reading any book.


Pik: Chacha-Chaudary comics by Pran


Pik: Tinkle

I practically read everything like the matter on billboards, number plates, advertisements etc and that really helped in increasing my vocabulary and reading capability. Once I was in my mid-teens I just couldn’t put down a novel, I used to binge on many books and complete them in record time.. 😉

Everyone will have their own style to read a book and I just love to lay on a sofa, cover myself up and and absorb into the book..


I remember my recent visit to a bookstore/library and I was appalled by some members who despite being surrounded by books hung their heads into their mobile devices and didn’t relish the feeling of reading a physical book. Alas! Technology is replacing the physical books to e-books and the classic musty smell of a book may be in reminiscence and our future generations may not experience it at all..!


I feel reading anything be it novels, magazines etc is a good way to spend someone’s time. I just love to read while traveling. Be it in airplanes, trains , buses , cars etc but I just can’t travel without a book in hand. Now a days we come across so many accessories for a book like book-light, bookmarks which are fanciful and even increases the interest to read the book.


Once we develop this habit it really plays an important role in shaping up the behavior and vocabulary of any individual. Happy reading folks..!! 🙂


Author: sparkplug14

Amateur blogger, photographer, comic books nerd, artist. Connect with me to know more about me..!!

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