
In my childhood, I didn’t participate in many physical activity games and was mainly focused on reading comics, playing some mind games, indoor games, etc . This made me very lazy physically..

Though my mom constantly bugged me to skip, run and jump I found all the excuses to avoid those.

I used to devour chocolates and all the fancy items which are actually pure fat and then there came a moment in my life where I got tired very easily and was always out-of-breath for walking just few miles, I was OBESE..!  The word OBESE dreaded me..!! It was the time I decided , I needed to do something about it… 

From that moment on, I started working out.. I joined the group-fitness workout classes called KOSAMA. I hate the conventional treadmill, cross trainer kind of a gym so thought of trying something new.

It was a major step towards getting fit. Initially I couldn’t jump at all, I was very tired and sore but I didn’t give up. I continued working out and started giving my best. 

Kosama has all the fun activities like Kick-boxing, Kettle-bells, Cardio, TRX and core yoga and these styles of workout created enthusiasm to go regularly. 

Now after an year of the amazing fitness classes I can see major improvements in my body. There’s no fatigue. I can walk all day easily and there’s lot of flexibility and stamina in my body.  I am feeling happy about my body. 

Now I need to concentrate mainly on healthy and clean eating so I can retain my newly discovered body capabilities.. 

Though I didn’t get to the desired pounds yet, I am sure I will reach it within a short period of time. 🙂 

Here’s to all for a happy and healthy life.!! 

Author: sparkplug14

Amateur blogger, photographer, comic books nerd, artist. Connect with me to know more about me..!!

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